“Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter, the uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.”

Dr Christine Blasey Ford, on being sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh

“They poured a whole glassful of scotch and champagne down my throat. Oh, I fought! But they thought it was funny. I remember a lot of laughter.”

Patricia Douglas, aka Girl 27, on being raped by David Ross

Hollywood, 1937. MGM Studios hosts a huge stag party for its salesmen. The exclusively male guests are supplied with a cohort of young hostesses. One of them, 19-year-old Patricia Douglas, is raped in the course of a drunken evening. The asssault and her unsuccessful attempts to seek justice were hushed up by the studio and remained hidden for over 70 years.

London, 2018. The Presidents Club hosts its annual charity diner. The exclusively male guests are supplied with a cohort of young hostesses. Many of whom are molested in the course of a drunken evening. The sexism and misogyny of the event was exposed by the undercover reporter Madison Marriage in the Financial Times, prompting a public outcry that led to The Presidents Club’s closure.

Lady Zoo! brings together artists of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, dis/abilities, genders and disciplines in a theatrical exploration of both events and the culture they embody.

We navigate and expose misogynies past and present with powerful text, music, humour, ravishing visuals and bold choreography.